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Sunday Baking Party

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On one pleasant Sunday, the Participants of Sunnyhaven took part in a new program called Community Access Services. Through this program, we aspire to help our participants get more involved in their community. Our clients absolutely love the program and all were very happy!

Everyone became inspired by the program because it involved a fun activity; baking delightful sweets such as cakes, muffins, and cookies! This did not only help them with everyday living skills. The better part of it was making those delicious treats as donations to the Salvation Army for the homeless.

The participants were all excited and enthusiastic while they were mingling all the ingredients for their desserts. They played together and laughed at their hands drenched in cookie mixtures.

A lot of them also revealed their creative side in decorating the cakes and cupcakes. Even as they were packing, you can still see the excitement in their eyes as they knew how they will be sharing it with other people. Our clients looked really satisfied with what they have prepared.

As excited as they were, the group got into the van on their way to the Salvation Army community. When everyone arrived, they started distributing the pastries themselves. The participants of the Salvation Army were friendly. They welcomed our clients with big smiles and were undeniably appreciative of all the beautiful tartlets and cute cookies they have collected.

These interactions help our clients improve their personable interactions with other people. They also had the chance to bond with one another starting from the preparation up to the charity work.

Afterwards, everyone was eager to talk about their experiences and how they had a wonderful time while they nibble on the extra sweets left over an afternoon tea. Overall, everyone had a very memorable day.