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JMLAW Conducted a Will Day for Clients, Families and Staff

We are very thankful for JFMLAW (John F Morrissey & Co), who are employment lawyers, for coming down last week.
JMLAW Conducted a Will Day for Clients, Families and Staff

30 Nov 2016

We are very thankful for JFMLAW (John F Morrissey & Co), who are employment lawyers, for coming down last week. They set aside a day to attend Sunnyhaven to write wills free of charge for clients, families and carer’s who were interested.

It was a highly informative day with lots of the Sunnyhaven community using the services being offered. It’s an extremely important part of life to have a will written, and it can be very challenging. JFMLAW provided a great service and, again, are thankful for their time.

Employment Lawyers Sydney – JFM Law